About Me

👨💼 I am a consulting analyst working at Accenture in Texas. I completed my Master of Science in Business Analytics from The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business in 2021, and a Bachelor of Science in Public Health from Texas A&M University in 2020.
📩 I write a weekly newsletter sharing how to improve yourself 1% each day for a happier, healthier, and more productive life. I also share my insights and projects from working in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and psychology.
📷 I manage my freelance videography and photography business and post different content on my Instagram.
📻 I co-host a podcast with my brother talking about philosophy and focusing on the human condition. Would love for you to check it out on any major streaming platform.
👨🎨 During my free time, I am currently learning about Stoicism, learning how to learn, UI/UX design, Data Science, and looking to build projects to learn even more! I am working on building my Youtube channel (😄Appreciate it if you subscribe).
Check out my public resume in Notion - Updating**

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